Language Development

Most parents know how hard it can be to get your child to “perform” on command, but I decided to give it a shot. 😛 Here is Lyra showing off some of the words she’s learned over the last couple of months.   She has been receiving regular speech therapy for the last month.  Lyra even mentions her speech therapists name, Scott, in the video…hmmmmm…  I swear it was just a coincidence.  😀

Milestones 1-2 years

These are some of the milestones Lyra met over this past year. They are not in any particular order. There have been so many! I don’t want to forget them. These are all I could remember. I’ll add more as I think of them. 🙂

pulls string to move toy along

open cabinets and drawers

kick a ball

throw a ball

climb a ladder

slide down a slide

push self forwards and backwards on riding toy

walk forwards, backwards, and sideways
Continue reading “Milestones 1-2 years”

She Can’t be 2 ALREADY!

In approximately 12.5 hours, my baby will be TWO!!!

I am just not ready. 🙁 It’s just awful for me really. All of my babies are growing up too quickly, but Lyra is my last baby. Even thinking about her not being a baby anymore makes me cry.

Ahhhh… I’m just a big sap.

Even though this past year has FLOWN by, it has been a great year. Lyra has really developed her personality. She is happy and fearless and determined and opinionated and usually a total ham. Oh…and she LOVES her Daddy…I think more than she loves me. 😛

It seems that after the first year, all of the little milestones seem to blur together. I know she’s learned a lot and done a lot of new things, but it’s hard to put dates on anything. Her field of vision continues to expand. A couple of weeks ago at church, Lyra was in the nursery and she saw a picture on the wall of a baby and she pointed to it and said “a baby.” She was TEN feet away from the picture. It was so awesome. 🙂 Obviously she has overcome her difficulties with pointing. Oh yeah, and she recently got her second pair of glasses. She is wearing them in the picture above.

She has done so well over the last year with her gross and fine motor skills, that as of this month, we are changing her Occupational Therapy to only once per month. Lyra can point, put, pinch, pick, throw a ball (and many other things), scribble, and eat with a spoon! (why do so many of the fine motor skills start with P) Lyra can walk forwards and backwards, run, walk upstairs using the wall or hand rail, walk downstairs holding a hand, kick a ball, twist and wiggle, jump with both feet off the ground, and climb EVERYTHING! 😛

Overall this year, she has been successful in mastering her environments…at least all of her inside environments. The only time I ever see her struggle is when she is outside. It’s funny though…she LOVES going outside! She will bang on the sliding glass door if her brother or sister go out without her. She says “outside” a lot too, which is cute because she says it with such yearning. Whenever we get ready to leave or just go outside, she always says “hat” to remind us that she needs her hat to go outside. I love it! It’s only been over the last couple of months that her language development has just EXPLODED. We’re still working on the communication aspect of it, but she definitely knows a lot of words now.

So starting tomorrow, (I guess it’s already tomorrow) Lyra will be off to master her outside world. I suppose mommy will just have to loosen those ropes a bit.

Getting Her Point Across

In the span of one day, without any coaching or prompting, Lyra has figured out how to:

1. Take her pants off…followed by her diaper(before today, had only taken her diaper off).

2. Take everything out of a laundry basket, flip it over, and then climb on top of it and stand up….and then fall off.

3. Climb out of her pack-n-play bed (first ever attempt)

…but she still can’t point at anything.

This is one of the few fine motor skills Lyra has not been able to master. She is supposed to be able to point at pictures in a book, and point to something she wants, and point to her body parts upon request. I’ve been really creative in my ideas to try and get her to point or poke at things. We read “The Grouchy Ladybug” and tried to get her to poke her finger in the holes. I bought one of those old fashion toy telephones that you have to actually put your finger in to “dial” the numbers. I even dropped cheerios inside of a “pop bead” so she’d stick her finger in it to get it out. Nothing has worked. She doesn’t point at things, she just pats. I haven’t been this frustrated and stressed out about a milestone since the fisher price star stackers. I thought she would never be able to put the star stacker rings on the stand. It seemed like it took forever.

As far as pointing to things she needs…well that is NOT a need as far as SHE is concerned. Lyra has figured out all sorts of ways to get what she wants, or in some cases, what she DEMANDS. She grunts or screams when she wants us to give her something. Then she shakes her head “no” while we play a guessing game trying to find out what she wants. Other times she just takes the “I’ll do it myself” approach. If she can’t reach a toy in her toy box, she’ll just climb in or if we won’t lift her up over the gate into the kitchen, she’ll just bust THROUGH the gate. When we used to have a gate at the bottom of our stairs, and Lyra learned how to just open the gate.

Maybe we just need better gates.

Obviously her gross motor skills are not a problem. She’s a pretty smart little turkey. I just don’t understand, considering her creativity and all of the things she’s managed to figure out, why she can’t just POINT her finger. I don’t even care if she points AT anything. I’d be happy if she just held one finger up in the air. She just needs to get that one finger isolated…preferably her index finger…not her middle finger. Big Smile

Maybe I’ll just teach her to pick her nose…kind of hard to do that without isolating one finger…Ha Ha Stick out tongue

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Focuses on faces- 4 months
Laughs out loud- 3 months
Rolls front to back- 3 months Rolls
back to front- 6 months
Sits unsupported- 7 months
Says “Da Da”- 7 months
Says “Ma Ma”- 8 months
Crawls- army crawl- 1/7/07
First teeth- 1/7/07- two lower central incisors came in together (this was a big day)
Claps hands- Feb 4th, 2007
Pulls up to standing position- Feb 11th
Goes from sitting to crawling and back to sitting without help- Feb 13th
Crawls-on hands and knees- 10 months
Cruises-side to side only, along sofa or coffee table- 10 1/2 months
Stands alone- 3/25/07 (maybe 3 seconds-tops)
Waves Bye-Bye- 10 months (waves to herself)
Finds hidden objects/toys- 10-11 months
Discovers her voice-9-11 months (“sings” along with music and screams for fun)
Takes first steps w/o hanging on to anything— 5/1/07- 1 or 2 steps, 5/7/07- 4 steps

Seeing the spoon.

How does a baby know to open her mouth for a spoonful of food? They see the spoon coming.
In Lyra’s case, at 4 months, she couldn’t see the spoon coming. This made feeding her more difficult. We tried different sound cues to get her to open up. One that was more successful was tapping the spoon on the bowl just before bringing it to her mouth. It didn’t consistently work though and eventually gave up on the sound cue. Maybe not the best decision on our part as parents. We decided to wait a bit longer for solid foods. Now Lyra can see the spoon coming and opens her mouth. She sometimes tries to grab the spoon. A lot of babies do this, but in Lyra’s case I think it also has to do with her visual ability, specifically her depth perception. She isn’t sure how far away the spoon is and wants to guide it to her mouth using her hand.

The strabismus surgery she is having in a couple of weeks could improve her depth perception. We’ll see if it helps with feeding.

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work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

What Can Lyra See?

What Can Lyra See?
A lot…but just not as clearly as everyone else. Her vision now is about 20/200, which is legally blind, but this doesn’t mean she lives in a world of darkness. My vision without my glasses or contacts is 20/200. Very early on, we knew she could see something…we just weren’t sure what. She would look at toys, books, or objects that had very high contrast. We have a dark navy blue border along the top edge of the white walls in our bedroom. We would take Lyra in there, and she would look up at it and laugh hysterically. Of course so would we, it was so cute. This was as early as one or two months.
As her vision progressed, we could judge how well she could see based on how far away she could track or follow a lighted or unlighted object. Her field of vision is expanding more and more every day, but more slowly than a baby without a visual impairment.
Lyra’s vision is also affected by the nystagmus and strabismus. They affect her ability to focus on detail as well as her depth perception.
Because of the photophobia, it is also harder for Lyra to see things in rooms with very bright light or outside on a sunny day. Its like coming out of a movie theater into the bright sun. The glare can be almost painful. She see better in dim light. The bright light is very irritating on her eyes. Just the other day, we spent several hours at a mall. The mall had typical bright florescent lighting. Lyra would not leave her hat on no matter how many times I put it back on her head. By the time we left the mall, her eyes were red and watering.

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