Milestones 1-2 years

These are some of the milestones Lyra met over this past year. They are not in any particular order. There have been so many! I don’t want to forget them. These are all I could remember. I’ll add more as I think of them. 🙂

pulls string to move toy along

open cabinets and drawers

kick a ball

throw a ball

climb a ladder

slide down a slide

push self forwards and backwards on riding toy

walk forwards, backwards, and sideways


walk up and down stairs with hand or rail

scribble in circular motion and side to side motion

beginning to hold crayon/marker correctly

build a tower of 6 blocks

feeds self with spoon

drink from regular cup without spilling

isolate index finger to point and poke

invert container to obtain small object

remove clothing including hat, pants, diaper, shoes, and socks

master 8 piece shape puzzle

gives kisses and hugs

pretend play with dishes, baby dolls

imitate facial expressions without a sound cue

points to body parts when asked “Where is your”

find named people/pets within 3-5 feet when asked “Where is”

follow 1 step directions

occasionally follow 2 step directions

sings along with songs

occasionally puts 2 words together

identify self in mirror –

identifies family members in photos

Uses 15-20 words spontaneously

names 2-3 pictures

My Favorite– In order to avoid taking a nap, Lyra will throw every binky, blanket, and pillow out of her crib, remove the sheet from her mattress, and then scream “MAMAAA”, OR she will just take off all of her clothes and then pee or poop all over her bedding, and then scream “MAMAAA.” It’s just soooo much fun and she knows mommy will come to her rescue. 😛 I’ve solved the diaper issue… she now takes naps with her diaper duct taped on. 😀

One thought on “Milestones 1-2 years”

  1. I can’t believe what amazing progress she’s made! It gives me hope for Emerson! 🙂 And thanks for the light box post – I’m definitely sending that on to our vision therapist.

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