Strabismus Surgery Success

Lyra before strabismus surgery Lyra after strabismus surgery
Before After

Lyra’s surgery went very well. I think she did better than I did. The surgery itself only took about 40 minutes and then she stayed in the recovery room about an hour. That was a really long hour for me to wait. I didn’t think it would take so long for her to wake up. We were home before noon. It’s amazing what they can do with outpatient surgery these days.

Her eyes weren’t as gross looking after surgery as I expected. The inner whites of her eyes were bloody, but it wasn’t constantly dripping or oozing blood or goop. Her eyes never got so crusty that they were matted shut. Her recovery and healing has been fairly easy. The pictures above are from a week before her surgery and then 2 days post surgery. They look pretty straight to me, at least for now. I hope they stay straight. I am constantly checking to see if they start to cross again.

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Her post-op check up with her pediatric ophthalmologist was a week ago. Dr. Grin said Lyra’s eyes looked good and were healing properly. She will go back in about a month for another check-up.

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