Find Early Intervention Services

Lyra has been receiving Early Intervention(EI) services since she was about 5 months old. The level of services and method of services vary from child to child and state to state. These services are provided under the federal law IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education ACT). I have come across parents that have never heard of EI services or others that are receiving inadequate services. Children with albinism are AUTOMATICALLY eligible for services based on medical diagnosis. All children should have the option to receive these services. Unfortunately, even with the federal law, some kids don’t get the opportunity. Sometimes its hard for parents to find out who handles the services for a particular state. Here is a website with lots of information about Early Intervention and contact names and numbers for EVERY STATE.

National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center

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More Books and Toys

Here are some of our latest favorites for books and toys.

The first two pictures are of the Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Magnetic Cookie Puzzle. That name is entirely too long. πŸ˜›
Anyway, this is a really great SIMPLE puzzle with a fun musical reward.

puzzle toy2

Fisher Price Cookie Puzzle

Puzzle toy

This picture is of the Playskool Old McDonald Tractor toy. This is really good for eye-hand coordination practice. It plays music too…which is always a plus. πŸ™‚

Tractor Toy

These first two books are touch and feel books. These two have a variety of “feels.” I’ve seen some touch and feel books that basically have the same fabric/material on every page, just making them different colors. Our copies also include braille text.

Baby Animal Kisses
Baby Animal Kisses book

That’s Not My Dinosaur
That’s Not My Dinosaur book

These next two are full of big bright bold pictures. The pages are simple and not too cluttered.

Brown Bear book

I Like it When book

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More Dumb Things People Say

lyra bw

I was at my dentist’s office making a payment with Lyra a while back, and there was an older woman finishing up about the same time as us. She had been staring and making baby talk/saying Hi to Lyra for a few minutes. As we were walking out, me pushing Lyra in her stroller, the lady followed outside. Once outside I bent over to fix Lyra’s sun hat. The lady bent over to talk to Lyra and in her best baby-talk voice, said “What are you?” EXCUSE ME… At first I thought I MUST have misunderstood her, but then she said it again, “What are you?”…and AGAIN 2 or 3 more times! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! SHE’S A BABY, YOU IDIOT! WHAT THE HECK KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT!?!

Anyway, I was SO STUNNED after hearing these words come out of this woman’s mouth, that I just stood there…speechless…and then walked away. I was really kicking myself later that day for not saying anything. I should have at least given her one of Lyra’s cards.

There’s always something new. πŸ™‚

Feel free to add more “Dumb things people say” in the comment section if you like.

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Lyra finally has her glasses. The first time we put them on, they were off in less than 30 seconds. Every time we tried to put them back on her, she would shake her head “no” and scream.

Now, 2 weeks later, she’s kept them on for up to 20 minutes at a time and she LETS us put them back on her. I’ve noticed they start to slide off her nose after a while, giving her the NERD look. I’m going to take them in to be adjusted to fit better. They also have to order new lenses, because these were supposed to be transition lenses…which we paid for…but they’re not.
I can’t decide if she looks cuter with them on or off.

I think they’re helping her see better, but it’s hard to tell. She seems to have more precision with fine motor skills when she is wearing them…putting a small ball in a cup, putting puzzle pieces in, reaching for objects. So the glasses are improving her close/near vision, but what if it screws up her distance vision? I guess my glasses for nearsightedness don’t screw up my close-up vision. These are the kinds of stupid things I worry about.

Her prescription isn’t very strong…+2.5 in one eye and +2.75 in the other eye, but when I look through them, they look really wacky. She’s leaving them on longer, so it can’t look too wacky from her perspective.

She has her next appointment with her pediatric ophthalmologist on Dec. 5th.

It’s going to be a long month and a half for impatient mommy.

Poor Dominick is so sad…he’s the only one in our family who “doesn’t get to have glasses”…other than the dog. πŸ™‚Glasses2

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