Vision Skills


Today Lyra and Miss Kim, her “teacher of the visually impaired” worked on putting on and taking off stars on her star stacker toy. She is pretty good with the taking off, but not so coordinated when it comes to putting them back on.

We also read some books, encouraging tactile exploration. She did some good looking at the pictures, but she seems to be much more interested in turning the pages and eating the book. Kim suggests we try to get her to explore the various textures of touch & feel books. We need to get some more touch & feel books or just make our own.

One of our favorite activities with Miss Kim is playing with our box of stuff. Its just a small orange box that we filled with various toys/objects. We work on taking out and putting in, identifying or finding objects by name(“Where’s the duck?”), uses of some of the objects(hairbrush, telephone), and anything else we think of. We keep the same things in the box all the time.Here is what we have in it: ball, book, duck, egg shaker, baby, two green blocks, sunglasses, hairbrush, telephone, shoe, and a binky.I think that’s all. I think she is saying “duck” when she pulls that out, but its definitely debatable.

Today Lyra was able to follow a ball across the room

and retrieve it twice. Yay!!!!!

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