Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

I just want to take a moment to say Thank You, to everyone who has ever left comments for me, either on my Guestbook or after individual posts. I can’t tell you how very very much I appreciate the those comments. Your comments have all been incredibly encouraging. It really motivates me to know that this site I created is serving the purpose for which it was intended…to help other parents. 🙂

Many of you, especially the adults with albinism have give me some really great advice through your comments. Dave Brodbeck, I loved the suggestions you gave for explaining how people with albinism see… “her video card is not as good,” or “she sees in standard definition and we see in HDTV.” I will definitely be using that. Thanks.

Sometimes people have asked me questions within comments they leave. I try to respond to those questions via email. I don’t typically reply to each comment on the site…I don’t know if that’s unusual or rude… In the case of my Guestbook, I’d be signing my own Guestbook and I’d just feel weird doing that. 😛 I will try to answer questions through future posts or you can ALWAYS send me an email: If I can’t answer your question, I will find someone who can.

Your comments have been a wonderful source of support.
Again, Thank You Very Much. 🙂

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