Occupational Therapy Goals

Today at Lyra’s OT session, we began updating her IFSP goals/outcomes for the next 6 months. These are what we want Lyra to be doing somewhere between now and when she is 16 months old. We really just got started with updating these today. We may add some goals in these areas and we still need to set some for cognitive skills and self-help skills. These are not necessarily in any order and we will check them off as she reaches the goals.

Motor Skills
-lower self from furniture
-stand independently momentarily
-walks forward, 2 hands held
-walks, 1 hand held
-stand alone well
-walking 2-3 steps independently
-creeps upstairs
-roll ball back and forth
-pick up small object with neat pincer grasp
-isolate/point with index finger
-put objects into container (voluntary release)
-builds 2 cube tower

Social Skills
-waves/responds to bye bye
-babbles with inflection
-imitates familiar gesture
