Lyra… “Cover Girl”

My baby girl is on the cover of a magazine!!! I wrote an article for the latest issue of Albinism Insight, a quarterly magazine published by NOAH. I had included some pictures to go with the article, but her picture being on the cover was a complete surprise. We were all very excited when we saw it. The article is basically a condensed version of the “history” section of this site. I couldn’t come up with a title myself. The magazine editor, Kelsey Thompson, titled it, “Life with Lyra: A new mom reflects on her first year as the parent of a child with albinism.” I was very pleased with how it turned out, expecially since I’m not much of a writer. I barely passed most of my english classes in high school and college. 😛
The entire issue was wonderful and had a lot of really great articles.

We are all just so proud of Lyra!


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One thought on “Lyra… “Cover Girl””

  1. What a precious child. She’s beautiful! I also have a daughter named Lyra Thompson, who is now five. We named her for the constellation. Where did you find your little one’s name? We pronounce Lyra with a short “i” sound. How do you pronounce your little one’s name?

    Best of luck with everything. Bless you and your family.

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