Early Intervention

Early Intervention Services-4 months-present
Vision Specialist and Occupational Therapist come once a week for an hour, one on Tuesday, the other on Thursday.
Work on vision skills- tracking, following, depth perception
Work on motor skills, reaching, grasping, holding head up, rolling over
Work on using vision and motor skills together- opening mouth when spoon is coming.
Prebraille (kids with albinism might use braille, might read print, or both for a while)

Tests/Assessments used
-HELP (Hawaii Early Learning Profile)
-OREGON Skills Inventory
-Parent/team report

IFSP Outcomes for Vision (9/19/06)
-Fixate on a variety of toys and faces
-Localize sounds and voices
-Follow in all directions
-Track in all directions
-Gaze shift between two toys and faces
-Monitor light sensitivity
-Scanning her environment
Time frame for goals-6 months

IFSP Outcomes for Motor skills (9/19/06)
– Lyra will use her vision to purposefully grasp a toy
-Lyra will play with a toy using both hands at midline, medium size toy, bottle, object to mouth
-Lyra will hold an item in each hand and bring them together at midline, i.e. banging 2 toys together
-maintain grasp on item in each hand
-Lyra will remove 3 hand size objects from a container
-Lyra will put 3 hand size objects into a container (voluntary release)
-Lyra will maintain position on all 4’s for 1 min.
-Lyra will crawl forward on all 4’s five feet
-Lyra will sit up with minimal support
Time frame for goals-6 months
